NEW release - Arrange2Drive 3.5

After some absence we finally present Arrange2Drive 3.5! With this release we introduce Joomla 3.9.6, PHP7.x compatibility and some core improvements.

This release contains only a refactored core for latest Joomla and PHP >= 7.2 compatibility.

Work in progress for a new release

The work on a new Arrange2Drive release is in progress. The main features will be a fully refactored core component with improved PHP7 support and a new user interface.

Read more: Work in progress for a new release

NEW release - Arrange2Drive

Finally we present Arrange2Drive! With this release we introduce Joomla 3.5.1 compatibility and some core improvements.

Read more: NEW release - Arrange2Drive

NEW release - Arrange2Drive 3.3.3

Finally we present Arrange2Drive 3.3.3! With this release we introduce a new search algorithm and a full JomSocial integration.

Read more: NEW release - Arrange2Drive 3.3.3