Linkgenerator - Arrange2Drive add on

A new Arrange2Drive JOOMLA add on component, the Linkgenerator, is available now. The Linkgenerator is useful for automatic and predefined inscribing of lifts for example to all types of events or predefined happenings. If your Arrange2Drive carpooling / ride sharing service is open to all users, you can offer this Linkgenerator to your partner sites, to enable predefined inscribing of lifts from these third party sites.


Example to the Event - Linkgenerator:

You, as a operator of an Arrange2Drive carpooling service, have a partnership with a third party publisher of contents, lika e newspaper, magazine or a promoter. With the Linkgenerator the admin of your partner site can generte links "Submit a lift" or "Search for a lift" and publish them on their sites in a detail site of an event. While an visitor / user is clicking on such a generated link, he will be redirected to the "Add a lift" mask on your Arrange2Drive carpooling / ride sharing site. Now the "Add a lift" mask will be automatically prefilled with the correct data like the target place, the date, the type of the lift and the name of the event. So the users can easyli submit lifts without limits, prefilled and fast!

The Linkgenerator is highly recommended to:

  • Promoters to all types of events
  • Publisher of events like
    • Magazines
    • Newspapers
    • Newssites
  • Administration web sites of cities, towns and muncipal corporations

On the third party web sites only the following links will be shown in the detail sites of an event:

Submit a lift or Search for a lift

Link Generator Demo

Universal Linkgenerator Live-Demo
Event Linkgenerator Live-Demo

1. Enter data:


2. Generate link:
